David Lyons explains why you need a cooling vest all year long. The ThermApparel Cooling Vest does more than keep you safe from the heat. It keeps the inflammation in your body down, keeping you safe from MS relapse and fatigue.
Hey guys, just wanted to talk to you about overheating and keeping yourselves cool. Now I know summer's over and everybody's kind of getting cool around the country, except here where I live in the desert where it's still like 100 degrees. But what I want you guys to understand it really doesn't matter if it's 30 degrees outside or 100 degrees outside when you're working out or when you're doing something that's physically exerting you've got to keep your core temperature down.
Now, I'm always wearing my ThermApparel Cooling Vest. You can see it's very thin, it's easy to to wear, it fits perfectly underneath a shirt and when you're working out you can easily lay down because the cooling packs are thin.
The reason I'm coming on talking about ThermApparel and their cooling vest is because I know that as the weather gets cold, or even cooler in areas like this, people tend to forget that MS is not a disease of temperature, it's a disease of keeping our bodies cool.
So whether it's hot outside or hot because you're working out, it really doesn't matter what the reason is that your body is overheating, you don't want that to happen.
So I'm recommending everybody not to forget to wear a cooling vest and if you don't have a ThermApparel Cooling Vest get one. Go to www.thermapparel.com.au and use code MSFC to get 10% off. Of course they're supporting the charity and I want you to buy a vest because it helps us as well but forget that, because really what's important is keeping your body cool, keeping your core temperature down staying unoverheated–okay is that even a word unoverheated–but really the key is we don't want our body temperature to get hot and with MS symptoms things get worse.
Even if it's 20 or 30 degrees outside and you're inside working out, your core temperature is going up. You've got to keep it cool. Wear that cooling vest okay?! If you don't want to wear a cooling vest, do something to keep your body temperature cool. Don't forget that it is very important!
Just because winter's coming or fall is coming or it's not as hot out, don't just think “hey you know what? It's not summer time. I don't have to keep myself cool. I'm good.” I've seen too many of us make that mistake and then end up having exacerbations or heightened MS symptoms because our body temperatures have gone up and it's unnecessary.
All you need to do is wear something like the ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vest. It's very, very simple and very easy. It's a one-time purchase. It's not like you're buying something that’s $300 or $200 every single month, you buy it once! It's not gonna wear out.
Okay keep yourselves cool guys even though the weather is cooling off don't forget about that. All right, I said my peace. Have a great weekend and I'll see you guys soon. - David Lyons